
Dec 9, 2017

10 Math Cool Tricks

10 Math Cool Tricks
Today we are going to discuss some cool tricks to solve question and good impression towards your friends or siblings. There tricks may help you in solve questions and also save your time. Some people love maths and some do not. If anyone learns these tricks student start loving math and study math full concentration. So today we are going to discuss some cool tricks of maths where understand it easily and practices it.

Trick-1: Multiplication number by 5
Multiplication becomes sometime boring when we have to big number multiplication. Let make it easy and non-boring multiplication .If you need to multiply a number with 5 so follow the steps - 
·         Take any number, and then divide it by 2.
·         If the result is whole number (no remainder), add a 0 at the end.
·         If it is not whole, ignore the remainder and add a 5 at the end of the number.
For example
·         Take a number = 3535
·         Then divide by 2 (3535/2) and add a 5 or 0 to the end of the number
3535/2 = 1767.5 (it’s a decimal number so add a 5 to the end and leave the remainder)
Answer = 17,675

Trick-2: Square of two digit number ending in 5
If you want to square a two digit number ending in 5 asked in a question then pay attention here, multiply the first digit by itself + 1, and put 25 on the end.
For example
·         Take a number = 75
·         Now pay attention,
75^2 (which can be written as 75×75)
7 x (7+1) or 7×8 = 56
 Put a 25 on the end of it…
Answer = 5625

Trick-3: Multiply a two digit number by 11
If you want to multiply two digit numbers by 11 then, take a number and imagine a space between the two digits. Now sum the two numbers together and put them in the middle. If the numbers in the middle add up to a two digit number, insert the second number and add 1 to the number.
For example
1.       Take a number =43
2.       Now, 43×11.
4_(4+3)_3 which is the implies as 4_7_3
 Answer… 473
For example
1.       Take a number = 67
2.       6_(6+7)_7
3.       (6+1)_3_7 which is the same as 7_3_7 (add 1 to first digit)
Answer… 737

Trick-4:  Subtracting from 1,000

This type of question generally asked in competitive exam. So, to subtract a large number from 1,000, subtract all but the last number from 9, then subtract the last number from 10.

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For example
1.       Take number that u have to subtract with 1000
1000 – 648 =?
2.       Now,
Step 1: subtract 6 from 9 = 3
Step 2: subtract 4 from 9 = 5
Step 3: subtract 8 from 10 = 2
Answer: 352

Trick-5: Multiply by 9, or 99, or 999
 If you want to a digit to multiplying by 9 is really like multiplying by 10-1. And also 9×9 is the same as 9x(10-1) which is (9×10)-9 which is 90-9 or 81.
For example
1.       Let us try, take a number and multiply with 9 =56×9  
2.       Now, 65×(10-1) = 65X10-65
Answer = 585
To multiply by 99, it’s the same idea, except you multiply by 100-1.
For example
1.       Take a number = 65×99
2.        Now, 65x(100-1)
Answer = 6435.
Similarly, Multiplying by 999 is similar to multiplying by 9 and by 99, except now you multiply by 1000-1

If there is a cases while you are multiplying two numbers together and one of the numbers is even. In this case you can divide that number by two and multiply the other number by 2. You can do keep doing this until you get numbers that are easy to work within your head.
For example
Consider, you want to multiply 14 by 16. You can double and halve the numbers till you get your answer
         14×8 = 28×4
         56×2 = 112×1
         Answer = 112
Another example
         12×15 = 6×30 = 6×3×10
         Answer = 180

Trick-7: Digit multiplied by 4
There is a trick to simply multiply by two, and then multiply by two again. Result, you want to work with smaller numbers that are easier to work.
  For example
1.       Take a number 82 x 4
2.       Now,  82 x 2) x 2
 (164) * 2
Answer = 328
To multiply by 8, just multiply by 2 one more time (656).

Trick-8: Take Any Number
Step1: Take any number.
Step2: Multiply the number you have thought with 3.
Step3: Add 45 with the result.
Step4: Double the result.
Step5: Divide the answer by 6.
Step6: Take away the number you have thought from the answer, that is, subtract the answer from the number you have thought.
Answer = 15

Trick-9: Trick 4: Same 3 Digit Number
Step1: Take any 3 digit number but each digit must be the same as. Ex: 333, 666.
Step2: Add the digits.
Step3: Divide the 3 digit number with the digits added up.
Answer: 37

Trick-10: Determine Your Birthday
Follow the steps with a calculator and Go ahead and try the trick -:
·         Add 18 to your birth month
·         Multiply by 25
·         Subtract 333
·         Multiply by 8
·         Subtract 554
·         Divide by 2
·         Add your birth date
·         Multiply by 5
·         Add 692
·         Multiply by 20
·         Add only the last two digits of your birth year
·         Subtract 32940 to get your birthday.
These are the some math tricks for where you can apply and get the suitable answers.

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