RRB Paramedical Admit Card
Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has scheduled the Paramedical Nurse recruitment examination on 19, 20 and 21 July 2019. Aspirants who had applied for the said post are informed that board has released RRB Paramedical Admit Card 2019 on its official website. Aspirants are advised to download their RRB Paramedical call letter now, the direct link to download the admit card is provided below.
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In order to download the RRB Paramedical Hall Ticket 2019 applicants required to provide their “Registration No” and “Date of Birth (In DD/MM/YYYY)”. Must ensure to enter the correct details, for the convenience of the candidates we have provided the complete procedure to download the RRB Paramedical Admit Card 2019. You are suggested to go through it and download your call letter now.
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RRB Paramedical Call Letter
Organization Name
Railway Recruitment Board (RRB)
Post Name
Paramedical Nurse
Page Category
Admit Card
Procedure To Download RRB Paramedical Admit Card 2019:
- The first and the foremost step is to open the official website of Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) that is www.rrbcdg.gov.in
- After going to the home page you are required to press the “CEN-02/2019 - Click here for downloading E-Call letter, Travel Pass and to view mock test (Paramedical Categories)” link.
- Another page will appear at your screen where you are asked to provide “Registration No” and “Date of Birth (In DD/MM/YYYY)”.
- Enter the details and press the “Submit” link.
- Your call letter will appear at your screen, check your admit card.
- Finally, print a copy of the RRB Paramedical Admit Card 2019 and keep it safe with you for future use.
Important Links
Admit card
Official Website
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