Before you start your preparation for any competitive exam, it is very important to keep yourself well-versed with the complete syllabus and the important topics of the exam. So, in the case of SSC MTS exam 2018-19, having knowledge of the important topics can help you in obtaining a stable Government Job in General Central Service Group.
The preparation for SSC MTS is a daunting task and requires the right resources and action study plan to crack it. Ample amount of practice with well-planned structure can really help you to get a good score in the examination of SSC MTS 2018-19. To give you the right path for cracking SSC MTS exam, we are sharing all the important tips, strategies and important topics from each section of the exam.
Important Topics for SSC MTS 2018-19
SSC MTS exam consists of two papers. Paper 1 is of objective type and Paper 2 is descriptive type paper. You have 90 minutes to attempt Paper 1 and 30 minutes to attempt Paper 2.Paper 1 includes questions from four sections i.e. English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability and General Awareness. Paper 2 includes questions related to short essay/letter in English or in any language.
In order to score well in the SSC MTS exam 2018-19, you need to prepare for all the topics in the syllabus, but you require to build sure-shot strong points with some of the important topics that carry high-weightage in the SSC MTS Exam. Let’s look at the important topics in each section of the exam.
Highest scoring section if you able to understand to solve the questions within the time period and then prepare accordingly. The section is based on logical assumptions. The topic-wise weightage of the Reasoning Section is as:
Topics | Number of Questions |
Analogy | 2-3 |
Classification | 3-4 |
Missing Number | 2-3 |
Matrix | 01 |
Word Formation | 1-2 |
Coding-Decoding | 1-2 |
Simplification | 2-3 |
Arrangement of Words | 1-2 |
Blood Relation | 01 |
Distance & Direction | 2-3 |
Number Word & Series | 2-3 |
Non Verbal | 4-5 |
Miscellaneous | 1-2 |
Verbal | 0-1 |
Important Topics to Read in Reasoning
- Paper Cutting & Folding
- Mirror & Water Image
- Embedded Figures
- Figure Completion
- Classification
General Awareness
This Section does not require any kind of calculations and so the least time-consuming and scoring section. The topic-wise weightage of the General Awareness Section is as:
Topics | Number of Questions |
Current Affairs | 4-5 |
Science and Technology | 9-10 |
Geography | 2-3 |
Polity | 2-3 |
Static GK | 2-3 |
History | 2-3 |
Economics | 1-2 |
Computer | 1-2 |
Important Topics to Read in General Awareness
- History
- Environment
- World Geography
- Honours and Awards
You can easily score in the English Language section if you have basic knowledge of the topics. The topic-wise weightage of the English Section is as follows:
Topics | Number of Questions |
Reading Comprehension | 05 |
Fill in the Blanks | 2-3 |
Error Spotting | 2-3 |
Sentence Correction | 2-3 |
Synonyms & Antonyms | 2-3 |
Idioms & Phrases | 2-3 |
One Word Substitution | 2-3 |
Spelling Errors | 1-2 |
Others | 2-3 |
Important Topics to Read in the English Language
- Reading Comprehension
- Error Spotting
- Synonyms & Antonyms
- Idioms & Phrases
Quantitative Aptitude
This is important subject of the SSC MTS exam. If practice is done for the Quant subject effectively, you can surely score good marks in the Exam. We are providing the number of questions asked from this section in the exam.
Topic | Number of Questions |
Data Interpretation | 2-3 |
Geometry | 0-1 |
Trigonometry | 0-1 |
Algebra | 3-4 |
Time, Speed & Distance, Work & Time | 8-9 |
Profit, Loss & Discount | 2-3 |
Average, Mixture, Allegation | 2-3 |
SI/CI & Percentage | 2-3 |
Ratio & Proportion | 1-2 |
Important Topics to Read in Quantitative Aptitude
- Profit and Loss
- Averages
- Simple Interest and Compound Interest
- Problems on ages, percentages.
- Speed, Distance and time
Paper 2 is qualifying and descriptive in nature. You will be required to write short essay/letter in English or language included in the 8th schedule of the Constitution.
Important topics for Essay/ Letter are as follows:
- Earthquake
- Surgical Strike
- Cashless Economy
- G.S.T Bill
- Kashmir Issue
- Right to Privacy
- Women Empowerment
- Corruption
- Reservation in Educational Institute
If you want to score good marks in SSC MTS 2018-19, you need to be consistent and hardworking in your preparation. Other factors remaining constant, your scoring depends on the level of your preparation. If you have devoted your time in the preparation, planned your preparation well and now focused more on the important topics then you are more inclined towards your success in this exam.
Practice more with mock tests and previous year question papers. Identify your weak areas and analyse your mistakes in order to get a good hold of the important topics, this is the crucial step in preparing for SSC MTS 2018-19. Rigorous practice with proper rest is also an imperative thing to follow while targeting to score above the cut off in the SSC MTS 2018-19.
For more information or query regarding important topics of SSC MTS 2018-19, you can drop your comment in the comment section below.
Don’t forget to download Gradeup SSC MTS preparation app. It provides free study notes, quizzes, mock test, previous year papers, and all the updates related to the MTS exam.
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