
Jan 7, 2019

IB Security Assistant Admit Card 2019 www.mha.nic.in डाउनलोड करे

IB Security Assistant Admit Card

Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) will release the IB Security Assistant Admit Card 2019 before the 10 days of the examination. The examination date has not been scheduled yet but it will be announced soon at the official website. The admit card will be available through online mode only, for the easement of the aspirant we have provided the direct link to download the IB Security Assistant Admit Card. It must be noted that the provided direct link will work after the official release of call letter by MHA.

7 Jan 2019
IB Security Assistant परीक्षा के लिए एडमिट कार्ड जारी है आप नीचे दिए लिंक के माध्यम से डाउनलोड करे|

It may be noted that the IB Security Assistant call letter will only be allotted for those candidates who had submitted their application form successfully. The selection process of the IB Security Assistant contains the two rounds that are Tier I and Tier II exams. Candidates who will clear the Tier I exam will become eligible to appear in the Tier II exam. So, candidates who are going to appear in the said exam can download Security Assistant Tier I from this page, once released officially.

IB Security Assistant Admit Card Short Details:
Organization Name
Ministry Of Home Affairs (MHA)
Post Name
Security Assistant
Page Type
Admit Card
Admit Card Status
Available Soon!
Official Website

Relevant Link:

Steps To Download the IB Security Assistant Admit Card 2019
Step 1: Open the official portal of the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) that is mha.gov.in
Step 2: Go to “WHAT'S NEW” section and search for link for IB Security Assistant Admit Card 2019.
Step 3: A new page will be opened where you have to enter your registration number and password to download admit card.
Step 4: Hit the submit button, Now you will get PDF file of IB Security Assistant Admit Card 2019 at your screen.
Step 5: Check the details carry in the call letter must be error free.
Step 6: Take a print out of the admit card and keep it safe with you for examination purpose.

Important Links
Admit Card
Exam date
17 Feb 2019
Official Website

Read: Rozgar Career India



  1. Sir when was the admit card of secutity assistance / excutive was going to publish?? Wether it was send to our home address??? Please tell me sir...!!!

    1. @Vaibhav , Admit Card will be announced soon, We'll inform you via email

  2. Sir, I want to know the exam date for IB Security Assistant post. Please reply...

    1. @Anirudh , Exam date for IB has not been decided yet and for more, you have official contacts Please send your queries to helpdesk.bharti@nic.in
      For help-desk support please call at 08800325462

  3. sir i want to download hall ticket, but in official website there r lots of link and on that link when i click on any link there r some advertise so tell me how i can download hall ticket about ib

  4. When will they conduct tier 2 for jammu and kashmir


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