Oct 3, 2015

Telangana Epass Scholarship 2016 Online Registration Status

Telangana Epass Scholarship 2016
Aspirants who are looking for telangana epass scholarship application status 2016 are advised to visit the official website www.telanganaepass.cgg.gov.in. They will get the complete details there. 

This scholarship provided to the aspirants who belongs to backward classes so they can make progress in their current status. Aspirants who wish to get the regular updates regarding this scholarship must visit the official website. Aspirants must know that this scholarship and its official website Andhra Pradesh has divided into Telangana epass scholarship and Andhra Pradesh pass scholarship.

The government of Telangana gives this scholarship for the eligible candidates of backward classes in order to support and encourage them. Aspirants who really want this scholarship must fill the online application form that is available at official website. They must fill the application forms before the last date of applying.

How to check the updates of Telangana Epass Scholarship 2016:
The telangana government providing the benefits and support to the backward classes aspirants such aspirants will be eager to know the process of applying and also for how to check updates for this scholarship. For the comfort of such aspirants we provides here the complete steps for getting updates of this scholarship at our web portal www.sarkarinaukricareer.com.

Telangana epass scholarship 2016:
·         Then aspirants have to visit the official website first www.telanganaepass.cgg.gov.in.
·         Click on the epass link.
·         Then click on epass scholarship application status option.
·         Then enter the complete details particular which was essential like SSC pass type, SSC exam number, Academic year, Year of pass, Date of birth.
·         After entering the details click on the submit button.
·         The epass scholarship status will be shown on the screen.

Read also: check out CBSE Scholarship Schemes


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