Free Test Series
Many of our users had asked us for online courses and test series for Bank and SSC exams. In today’s article we review one of the upcoming online portals for Bank PO and Government Exam preparation
– The site was recommended to us by a few users who used it for SBI PO and we decided to review their Bank PO and SSC CGL Courses.
Read: Online Test Series
The site provides Video lessons, Test series, Study
material, Chapter-wise tests, and GK Prep for both IBPS PO and SSC CGL. On
logging in, one will find a very organized site with items arranged under Learn, & Practice.
The Learn section contains the Video Lessons and the Study Material organized by topic name as shown below. The Chapter-wise tests are also arranged in a similar manner to help students go through the topics section-wise.
The Learn section contains the Video Lessons and the Study Material organized by topic name as shown below. The Chapter-wise tests are also arranged in a similar manner to help students go through the topics section-wise.
The Practice
section also has 20 Tests for IBPS PO Prelims and 10 full length tests for SSC
CGL. The tests are conducted in the same interface that one will encounter
during the online Bank exams and this is a huge advantage for practicing.
Screenshot of the test interface is provided below and it very closely resembles
the actual online Bank exam.
Read:ऐसे करे SSC CGL परीक्षा के लिए तैयारी
At the end of the test, the student receives detailed
explanations for all questions and is given his All India standing (percentile) and other details like time taken
per section which is very important to analyze for speed based exams like the
IBPS PO and the SSC CGL. Screenshot of the analysis reports is provided below.
One feature we liked is that the Dashboard will always tell students which topic they are weak in. Screenshot below.
One feature we liked is that the Dashboard will always tell students which topic they are weak in. Screenshot below.
They also have a unique Study
Planner feature where you can create your own Study Plan for all these
exams. This is very useful if you are a beginner.
Read: SSC Salary Chart 2019 Pay Scale & Allowances
Read: SSC Salary Chart 2019 Pay Scale & Allowances
Our Verdict:
All in all, we believe this is an excellent site to prepare
for Government exams while still being economical in its pricing of courses.
Hence, we recommend Oliveboard for the following reasons:-
Affordable pricing starting at Rs. 499 for Test
Detailed explanation for all questions along
with very good analysis.
Videos, Study Material and Chapter-wise tests
available for anyone who does not have the time to go to coaching institutes.
Same interface as the actual online Bank exams.
They also provide some free tests.
To take a Free IBPS PO Prelims full length test, click here.
To take a Free SSC CGL full length test, click here.