Apr 26, 2017

SSB Syllabus 2017 Pdf Download SI Exam Pattern www.ssb.nic.in

SSB Syllabus

Our valued viewers are you going to appear for SI & ASI, Head Constable exam which is going to be organized by Sashastra Seema Bal and now looking for SSB Syllabus 2017 than you are at here at correct place, From here you can easily check and download Sashastra Seema Bal exam pattern and Syllabus. Please have a look.

Sashastra Seema BAL SSB Syllabus 2017 is available here to download. Official site of Sashastra Seema Bal is www.ssb.nic.in. Contenders’ can easily start their preparation from SSB Syllabus and SI Exam Pattern. With the help of correct exam pattern and syllabus you can prepare yourself in well enhanced manner.

Short Details of SSB(Sashastra Seema Bal) Syllabus 2017

Name of the Organization  
 Sashastra Seema Bal Department
No. of Vacancies
 872 Posts
Post Name
SI & ASI, Head Constable
Exam pattern and syllabus
Official Website
 www.ssb.nic.in/ www.ssbrectt.gov.in

Exam Pattern

Exam Type
Subject Name
No. of Question
No. of Marks
Exam Duration
Objective Type
Paper 1
General Knowledge
2 hours
Numerical Ability
General English & Hindi
General Reasoning
Paper 2
Technical Subject
2 hours


General Knowledge
·         Books.
·         Capital.
·         Currency.
·         Current Affairs – National & International.
·         India and its Adjacent Countries.
·         Indian Geography.
·         Indian History.
·         Indian Languages.
·         National/International Awards.
·         Scientific Progress/Development.
·         Script.
·         Sports-Athlete etc.

Numerical Aptitude
·         Compound Interest.
·         Decimal & Fraction.
·         Discount.
·         Distance.
·         HCF LCM.
·         Mensuration.
·         Miscellaneous.
·         Number System.
·         Partnership.
·         Percentage.
·         Profit & Loss.
·         Ratio & Proportion.
·         Simple Interest.
·         Simplification.
·         Time & Work.
·         Use of Table & Graph.

General English & Hindi
·         Antonyms.
·         Comprehension.
·         Idioms Phrases
·         Letter Writing.
·         One Word Substitutions.
·         Sentence Correction etc.
·         Synonyms.
·         Use of Words.
·         Word Knowledge.

·         Analogies.
·         Analysis and Judgment.
·         Arithmetical Number Series
·         Arithmetical Reasoning.
·         Concepts.
·         Decision-making.
·         Differences.
·         Discrimination.
·         Observation.
·         Problem Solving.
·         Relationship.
·         Similarities.
·         Space visualization.
·         Verbal & Figure Classification.
·         Visual memory etc.

Electronics & Telecommunication
·         Analog Electronics.
·         Analytical, Optical Instrumentation.
·         Basics of Circuits and Measurement Systems.
·         Control Systems and Process Control.
·         Digital Electronics.
·         Electrical and Electronic Measurements.
·         Signals, Systems, and Communications.
·         Transducers, Mechanical Measurement and Industrial Instrumentation.

·         Alternating current.
·         Atoms.
·         Communication systems.
·         Current electricity.
·         Dual nature of radiation and matter.
·         Electric charges and fields.
·         Electromagnetic induction.
·         Electromagnetic waves.
·         Electrostatic potential and capacitance.
·         Gravitation.
·         Kinetic theory.
·         Laws of motion.
·         Magnetism and Matter.
·         Mechanical properties of fluids.
·         Mechanical properties of solids.
·         Motion in a straight line.
·         Moving charges and magnetism.
·         Nuclei.
·         Ray optics and optical instruments.
·         Semiconductor electronics.
·         Systems of particles and rotational motion.
·         Thermal properties of matter.
·         Thermodynamics.
·         Units and measurements.
·         Wave optics.
·         Waves.
·         Work, energy, and power.
·         Physical world.
·         Oscillations.
·         Motion in a plane.

·         Atomic structure.
·         Biomolecules.
·         Chemical bonding and molecular structure.
·         Chemical equilibrium and acids-bases.
·         Chemistry in everyday life.
·         Classification of elements and periodicity in properties.
·         D and f block elements & coordination compounds.
·         Electrochemistry and chemical kinetics.
·         Environmental chemistry.
·         General principles of metallurgy.
·         Haloalkanes and haloarenes.
·         Hydrogen and its Compounds.
·         Organic chemistry
·         Organic compounds containing c, h, and o.
·         Organic compounds containing nitrogen.
·         P- block elements group 13 (boron family).
·         P-block elements – group 14 (carbon family).
·         P-block elements.
·         Polymers.
·         Solid state.
·         Solutions.
·         States of matter: gases and liquids.
·         Stoichiometry.
·         Surface chemistry.
·         The s – block elements.
·         Thermodynamics.

·         Algebraic expressions.
·         Area of Plane Figures.
·         Community Mathematics.
·         Cube & Cube Root.
·         Equations.
·         Evaluation.
·         Factors.
·         Graph.
·         Indices.
·         Interest.
·         Lines and Angles.
·         Nature of Mathematics/Logical thinking.
·         Percentage.
·         Place of Mathematics in Curriculum.
·         Plane figures.
·         Problems of Teaching.
·         Ratio and Proportion.
·         Remedial Teaching.
·         Square & Square Root.
·         Statistics.
·         Surface Area and Volume.
·         The language of Mathematics.
Sashastra Seema Bal Exam pattern and syllabus 2017 official Link: Check here


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