Nov 8, 2017

POSE Scholarship 2018 Application Form for M.Sc, B.Sc Last Dates

POSE Scholarship
Dear valued students are you going to apply for POSE Scholarship for Basic & Natural Science Students for the year 2018 which is going to be provide by Haryana State Council for Science & Technology than great, you can easily apply for POSE Scholarship 2018 by filling POSE Scholarship 2018 Application Form for M.Sc, B.Sc on or before the last date.

Students who are opting basic & natural science subjects in 3-year B.Sc./4-year BS/5-year integrated M.Sc./M.S. courses and 2-year M.Sc. course they can apply for  POSE Scholarship 2018. Mainly, the aim of Promotion of Science Education Scholarship Scheme is to encourage talented students towards science education and to support them for continuation of their science education up to higher level.

Students who desire to grab DST POSE Scholarship they can submit POSE Scholarship 2018 Form before the deadline. Before applying, candidates are advised to ensure POSE Scholarship Criteria, you need to read this page completely and get all updated details about Promotion Of Science Education Scholarship.

POSE Scholarship Short Details:
Organization Name
Haryana State Council for Science & Technology
Scholarship Name
POSE Scholarship for Basic & Natural Science
Official Site

Admissibility of Scholarship:
Promotion Of Science Education Scholarship are limited only to the students who have taken admission during the year 2018 in any of the following courses: –
·         3-year B.Sc. program in Basis & Natural Science / 4-year BS or 5-year integrated M.Sc./M.S. program in Basic & Natural Sciences.
·         2-year M.Sc. program in Basic & Natural Sciences.

Subjects Details:
POSE Scholarship Panchkula will be given to the students studying basic & natural science in the identified 18 subjects, as listed below:
·         Physics
·         Chemistry
·         Mathematics
·         Biology
·         Statistics
·         Geology
·         Astrophysics
·         Astronomy
·         Electronics
·         Botany
·         Zoology
·         Bio-chemistry
·         Anthropology
·         Microbiology
·         Geophysics
·         Geochemistry
·         Atmospheric Sciences
·         Oceanic Sciences

POSE Scholarship Amount:
Course Name
Scholarship Amount

3-year B.Sc. course
Rs. 4,000/-
2-year M.Sc. course
Rs. 6,000/-
4-year B.S. or 5-year integrated M.Sc./M.S.
·         Rs. 4,000/- (For 1st, 2nd & 3rd)
·         Rs. 6,000/- (For 4th & 5th year)

Eligibility criteria:
·         For 3-year B.Sc./4-year BS/5-year integrated M.Sc./M.S: Passed class X and XII Board examination from a school situated in Haryana with minimum 85% marks for Haryana Board schools and 90% marks for other boards like CBSE, ICSE etc in 12th class.
·         For 2-year M.Sc: Passed in X, XII and B.Sc./B.A. (B.A. for M.Sc. Mathematics) from school/college/university situated in Haryana with minimum 75% marks in B.Sc./B.A. class.
There shall be no cut off for admission in National Institutions like IIT, IISER, NISER, DAB-CBS, IISc etc. In case of Tie, preference will be given to Girls students and Preference to language score (better of English/Hindi) in 12th class board exam.

Other Eligibility Constraints:
·         Only regular students will be eligible to apply for this scholarship.
·         Students studying privately or through correspondence / distance mode or in unrecognized institutions will not be eligible for this scholarship.
·         Students should not be involved in any type of indiscipline or unfair means
·         No limit of family income for availing benefits of this scholarship scheme.

More Updated Links:-

Selection Criteria:
·         Selection will be done through POSE Scholarship Merit List.
·         Merit list will be prepared based on average percentage score obtained either in class 12th board examination in English/Hindi (better of the two) and best of three out of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology or B.Sc./B.A. course in three years.

How To fill POSE Scholarship 2018  application form For POSE Scholarship?
·         Visit the official website
·         On the home page select relevant link of POSE 2018 Scholarship.
·         Read all the instructions given.
·         Press on to apply online link
·         Fill online registration form with all personal details and upload scanned image and signature
·         At last, don’t forget to take printout of filled POSE Scholarship Application Form Pdf and keep it safe for future need.

Important Dates:
Dates (Tentative)
POSE Scholarship Notification Will Available From
Last Week Of June 2018
Starting date To Fill Online Form
First  Week Of July 2018
Last Date  To Submit Online Form
Second Week Of September 2018
Declaration Of POSE Scholarship Result
First Week Of October 2018
Official Site


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