Nov 25, 2019

3650 Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS): Maharashtra Postal Circle GDS Recruitment 2019 – 20

Maharashtra Postal Circle GDS Recruitment 2019 – 20 is released to fill 3650 Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS) vacant posts. Check category wise Maharashtra Post Office Gramin Dak Sevak Vacancy, eligibility, selection process, salary, important dates, links, etc. Eligible candidates can apply online for Maharashtra Postal GDS Recruitment 2019 before 30th November 2019.

Maharashtra Postal Circle Recruitment 2019-20
Hi guys, here is a good news for those candidates who want to have their career in Indian postal circle department. Recently, Maharashtra Postal Circle has released an advertisement notification to fill 3650 Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS) vacancies. Theses vacancies are at various locations of Maharashtra state such as Navi Mumbai, Solapur, Pune, Ahmednagar, Thane, etc. The application forms are invited from the eligible candidates through online mode from 1st November 2019 up to 30th November 2019 at

Job seekers who are looking for Postal Circle jobs can grab this excellent chance and apply for Maharashtra Postal Circle GDS Recruitment 2019-20 on or before the due date. Get the full details regarding Maharashtra Postal Circle Notification 2019 such as age limit, qualification, selection process, salary, important dates, useful links, etc from the below sections of the page.

Maharashtra Postal Circle GDS Notification 2020 – Overview
·       Board Name: Maharashtra Postal circle
·       Post names: Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS)
·       Total number of vacancies: 3650 posts
·       Advertisement Number: ESTT/4-1/GDS 2ND CYCLE ONLINE ENGAGEMENT/2019
·       Type of job: State Govt Job State Govt Jobs
·       Application form starting date: 1st November 2019
·       Application form closing date: 30th November 2019
·       Mode of application: Online
·       Official portal:
·       Check Maharashtra Govt jobs here

Indian Postal Circle GDS Vacancy 2019-20
·       Post names: Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS)
·       Total number of vacancies: 3650 posts
Distribution of vacancies is as follows:
·       EWS-408
·       OBC-772
·       PWD-A-31
·       PWD-B-31
·       PWD-B-44
·       PWD-DE-15
·       SC-286
·       ST-366
·       UR-1697
·       Total-3650
Maharashtra Postal Circle GDS Recruitment 2020 Eligibility Criteria
Age Limit
·       For Gen/ UR Candidates: 18- 40 years respectively as on 01.11.2019
·       Relaxation in the upper age limit is as follows:
o   05 years for SC/ST candidates
o   03 years for OBC candidates
o   10 years for PWD candidates
o   13 years for OBC + PWD candidates
o   15 years for SC/ST + PWD candidates
Educational Qualification
·       Secondary School Examination pass certificate of 10th standard with passing marks in Mathematics and English (having been studied as compulsory or elective subjects) conducted by any recognized Board of School Education by the Government of India/State Governments/ Union Territories in India shall be a mandatory educational qualification for all approved categories of Gramin Dak Sevaks.
·       Compulsory Knowledge of Local Language: Candidates should have studied the local language at least up to 10th standard (as compulsory or elective subjects) as declared by the State Government or as per constitutional provisions relating to the 8th schedule of the constitution of India.
·       Basic knowledge of computer knowledge.
Maharashtra Post Office GDS Jobs Selection Process
·       The selection of the candidates will be on the basis of merit (based on the marks obtained in 10th standard).
What is the salary of Maharashtra Postal Gramin Dak Sevak?
Selected candidates for Maharashtra Postal GDS Vacancies will receive a good pay scale as follows:
BPM posts:
·       Minimum TRCA for 4 hours/Level 1 in TRCA Slab: Rs. 12,000/-
·       Minimum TRCA for 5 hours/Level 2 in TRCA slab: 14,500/-
ABPM/Dak Sevak posts:
·       Minimum TRCA for 4 hours/Level 1 in TRCA Slab: Rs. 10,000/-
·       Minimum TRCA for 5 hours/Level 2 in TRCA slab: 12,000/-
Application Process
All the willing and eligible candidates can fill and submit the Maharashtra Postal Circle GDS Recruitment 2019 Application form on or before the due date.
Documents required while applying for Maharashtra Post Office Gramin Dak Sevak Recruitment 2019
The following documents or certificates are required while filling  Maharashtra Postal Circle Recruitment 2019-20 Application form:
1.       SSC Marks Memo/ 10th Class pass certificate
2.       Date of birth certificate (if the date of birth is not printed in SSC certificate)
3.       Signature image
4.       Computer Certificate
5.       Certificate of disability (if applicable)
6.       Caste and Community Certificate (if applicable)
7.       Passport-size photographs
Stage -I – Maharashtra Postal Circle Recruitment 2019-20 Online Registration
1.       Visit the official portal i.e,
2.       On the home page, go to “Live Notifications (cycle II)” section
3.       Find and click on “Maharashtra (3650 Posts)” link
4.       Download the Maharashtra Postal Circle GDS Recruitment 2019-20 Notification pdf
5.       Read the full details provided in it
6.       Check the eligibility criteria
7.       If eligible, then click on the “Registration” link
8.       Enter all the required details in the Maharashtra Postal Circle GDS registration form
o   Name (In capital letter as per X class certificate Marks Memo including spaces)
o   Father Name
o   Mobile Number (Unique for one Registration number)
o   Date of Birth
o   Gender
o   Community
o   PH – Type of Disability – (HH/OH/VH)- Percentage of disability
o   State in which Xth class passed
o   Board in which Xth class passed
o   Year of Passing Xth class
o   Xth Class Certificate Number / Roll Number (optional)
9.       Only one registration is allowed for one candidate. The same registration number should be used for the submission of applications during the cycle to any of the circles.
    Stage- II – Fee Payment
After the completion of the registration process, they have to proceed with the further process
1.  Open
2.  On the home page, click on the Fee Payment option given against stage 2 option
3.  Enter the registration number and other information in the provided space
4.  Click on the Make Payment button
5.  Enter the registration number and click on the Make Payment button
6.  After the successful payment, a confirmation will be sent to the candidates via SMS/ Email

Stage- III – Maharashtra Postal Circle GDS Application form 2019-20
Follow the steps provided below while filling the Maharashtra Postal Circle GDS Application form:
1.   On the home page, hit the “Apply Online” link
2.   Enter registration number and the other details required in the respective fields
3.   Upload the required documents/ certificates
4.   Submit the preferences for the post
5.   Preview the application form and check the filled details and make corrections if any mistakes are found
6.   Submit the application form
7.   Finally, take a print out and keep the hard copy of the Maharashtra Postal Gramin Dak Sevak application form for future use

Application Fee
·     Gen/ OBC candidates: Rs. 100/-
·     SC/ ST candidates/ Ex-Servicemen: Nil
Candidates have to pay the exam fee online through Debit Card, Credit Card, Net Banking or offline payment can be done at any Head office.

Useful Links


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