OCES-2020: One-Year Orientation Course for Engineering Graduates & Science Postgraduates starting in August, 2020 will be conducted at BARC Training Schools situated at: BARC, Mumbai; IGCAR, Kalpakkam; NFC, Hyderabad; RRCAT, Indore; AMD, Hyderabad.
DGFS-2020:Two-Year DAE Graduate Fellowship Scheme for Engineering Graduates and Physics Postgraduates for joining M.Tech. / M.Chem.Engg. in select specializations starting in July 2020 at: Indian Institute of Technology(IIT)–Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras, Roorkee and BHU-Varanasi; National Institute of Technology (NIT) - Rourkela; Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT) – Mumbai.
On successful completion of the OCES or DGFS programs, Trainee Scientific Officers (TSOs)and DGFS Fellows will be appointed as Scientific Officers in one of the DAE units or Atomic Energy Regulatory Board with attractive career progression opportunities up to the highest echelons.
A.Qualifying Degrees and Other Academic Requirements for OCES/DGFS-2020
a) For Engineering Disciplines(codes 21-29): B.E./B.Tech./B.Sc.(Engineering) / 5-year Integrated M.Tech.with a minimum of 60%* aggregate marks in one of the 9 engineering disciplines (codes 21-29) mentioned in Table-1. Applicants opting to be considered on the basis of a GATE score must have a valid GATE-2019 or GATE-2020 Score in the same engineering discipline as the qualifying degree discipline. Those having qualifying degree in branches like Aerospace, Automobile, Automotive, Industrial Production, Automative, Reliability, Ceramics, Architecture, Geology, Mining, Bio-Medical Electronics/ Instruments, Communication, Information Technology, Master of Computer Applications, Dyes & Dye Intermediates, Electrochemical, Energy Systems, Oils & Fats, Paints & Varnishes, Petrochemicals, Plastics, Paper, Sugar Technology, Textiles, Mechatronics, Power Engineering etc. are not eligible.
b) For Fast Reactor Technology-M ( FRT-M, code 30): B.E. / B.Tech. / B.Sc.(Engineering) / 5-year Integrated M.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering or Chemical Engineering with minimum of 60%* aggregate marks in qualifying degree.
c) For Fast Reactor Technology-E ( FRT-E, code 31): B.E. / B.Tech. / B.Sc.(Engineering) / 5-year Integrated M.Tech. in Electrical Engineering or Electronics Engineering with minimum of 60%* aggregate marks in qualifying degree.
d) For Quality Assurance & Quality Control (QA&QC, code 32): B.E. / B.Tech. / B.Sc.(Engineering) / 5-year Integrated M.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering or Metallurgical Engineering with minimum of 60%* aggregate marks in qualifying degree.
e) For Physics Discipline (code 41): M.Sc. in Physics/Applied Physics with Physics and Mathematics at B.Sc. or at subsidiary and/or ancillary level in case of 5-year integrated M.Sc,or B.E. /B.Tech. in Engineering Physics with a minimum of 60%* aggregate marks in the qualifying degree. M. Sc. candidates (other than those applying with a 5-year integrated M.Sc. degree) must additionally have a minimum of 60%* aggregate marks in B.Sc. Physics postgraduate applicants opting to be considered on the basis of a GATE Score should have a valid GATE-2019 or GATE-2020 Score in ‘Physics’. Applicants having B.E./B.Tech. (Engineering Physics) as qualifying degree can apply on the basis of a valid GATE-2019 or GATE-2020 Score either in ‘Physics’ or in ‘Engineering Sciences’.
f) For Chemistry Discipline (code 42): M.Sc. in Chemistry with Physics up to B.Sc. or at subsidiary and/or ancillary level in case of 5-year integrated M.Sc. and Mathematics at Std. XII or at B.Sc. or at subsidiary and/or ancillary level in case of 5-year integrated M.Sc.,with a minimum of 60%* aggregate marks in M.Sc. All candidates (other than those applying with a 5-year integrated M.Sc. degree) must additionally have a minimum of 60%* aggregate marks in B.Sc. Applicants opting to be considered on the basis of a GATE Score should have a valid GATE-2019 or GATE-2020 Score in ‘Chemistry’.
g) For Biosciences Discipline (code 43): M.Sc. in Agriculture, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Genetics, Botany, Zoology, Plant Science, Plant Breeding, Plant Pathology, Entomology, Food Technology, Animal Science, Life Sciences, Biomedical Sciences and Biosciences with a minimum of 60%* aggregate marks in M.Sc. as well as in B.Sc.; or B.E. / B.Tech. / B.Sc.(Tech.) only in Food Technology with minimum of 60%* aggregate marks. M.Sc. applicants should have at least one out of Physics or Chemistry or Biochemistry or Agriculture Chemistry as a subject at the B.Sc. stage or at subsidiary and / or ancillary level in case of 5-year integrated M.Sc. Applicants opting to be considered on the basis of a GATE Score should have a valid GATE-2019 or GATE-2020 Score in ‘Life Sciences’ or in ‘Biotechnology’. Those having M.Sc. with specialization in subjects like Fisheries, Horticulture, Forestry, Agronomy, Animal Husbandry, Marine Biology, Bio-analytical Sciences, Bioinformatics, and Home Science etc. and B.E. / B.Tech. / M.Tech. in Biotechnology / Genetic Engineering / Biomedical Engineering are not eligible.
h) For Radiological Safety & Environmental Science (RSES, code 44): B.E. / B.Tech. in Nuclear Engineering / Nuclear Technology / Nuclear Science & Technology with minimum of 60%* aggregate marks or M.Sc. in Physics or Chemistry with Physics and Chemistry up to B.Sc. or at subsidiary and/or ancillary level in case of integrated M.Sc., and Mathematics at Std. XII or at B.Sc. or at subsidiary and / or ancillary level in case of 5-year integrated M.Sc., with minimum of 60%* aggregate marks in M. Sc. All science candidates (other than those applying with a 5-year integrated M.Sc. degree) must additionally have a minimum of 60%* aggregate marks in B. Sc.
i) For Geology Discipline (Code 45):M.Sc. or equivalent M.Tech. in Geology/Applied Geology/Applied Geochemistry with Geology at B.Sc. or 5-year integrated M.Tech. in Geological Technology. Eligible candidates must have two subjects out of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry up to B.Sc. or at subsidiary and / or ancillary level in case of 5-year integrated M.Sc./5-year integrated M.Tech., with minimum of 60%* aggregate marks in M.Sc./M.Tech. All eligible candidates (other than those applying with a 5-year integrated M.Sc. / M.Tech. degree) must have a minimum of 60%* aggregate marks in B. Sc. Additionally, eligible candidates must have passed Mathematics in Std. XII. All applicants opting to be considered on the basis of a GATE Score should have a valid GATE-2019 or GATE-2020 Score in ‘Geology and Geophysics’.
j) Those having M.Sc. (by research) or Ph.D. are not eligible.
Grade and Pay Scale On Appointment: Appointment in all the units shall be as a Scientific Officer(C) in the Level 10 –Rs. 56,100 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix. Appointment will be at the beginning of the pay scale with OCES TSOs getting two or three increments depending on their performance during the OCES program and the DGFS Fellows getting three or four increments***depending on their performance in M.Tech./M.Chem.Engg. and the four-month OCDF. Total Monthly Emoluments (with three increments) at the time of joining including Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance and Transport Allowance at the present Mumbai rate will be approximately Rs.95,000. In addition, other Allowances such as Leave Travel Concession by air, every year up to first eight years (subject to conditions) and once in two years thereafter, Children’s Education Allowance and an annual Professional Update Allowance are also payable. A comprehensive Contributory Health Service Scheme for employees and their dependent family members is also available.
Age Limit (Age as on August 1, 2020)
a) General Category - 26 years, b) OBC-29 years, c) SC/ST–31 years, d) Dependents of those who died in the riots of 1984 (Dep1984) -31 years, e) Persons domiciled in Kashmir Division of Jammu & Kashmir State from 01/01/1980 to 31/12/1989 (Dom Kashmir) –31 years. Physically Challenged persons of all categories are eligible for age relaxation of 10 years.
HOW TO APPLY– Only Online Applications will be accepted.Candidates are required to visit the website ‘http://www.barconlineexam.in’ in the period January 6, 2020 to February 3, 2020 and submit an Online Application by following the instructions therein. Candidates are advised to read the ‘Information Brochure’ before applying.
Important Dates
Apply online
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