May 16, 2020

136 Posts: Graduate Opt Trainee, Mining Mate, Winding Engine Driver-B and Others under UCIL Last Date :22.06.2020

(A Government of India Enterprise)
PO : Jaduguda Mines, Distt. : Singhbhum (East), Jharkhand – 832 102

Advertisement for 136 Post Mining Mate, Boiler-cum-Compressor Attendant, has been announced by Uranium Corporation of India Limited (UCIL), a Public Sector Enterprise under the administrative control of the Department of Atomic Energy, Jaguda Mines, Shinghbhum (East), Jarkhand, invites applications from suitable Indian Nationals for the post as mentioned below. Check out the details such as number of vacancies, eligibility and how to apply below. We We are happy to welcome our readers and well wishers on this, page please utilised the website for your benefits and wish you get your desired government job through this pages. Please ensure that you download and read the detail advertisement and all instructions. 

Advt No. 2/2020  

Department/Organisation: Uranium Corporation of India Limited (UCIL), a Public Sector Enterprise under the administrative control of the Department of Atomic Energy, Jaguda Mines, Shinghbhum (East), Jarkhand.

Important Dates
1. Opening date for On-line Registration of Applications 18.05.2020 : 10.00 AM
2. Last date of On-line Submission of Applications with Fee 22.06.2020 : 10.00 AM
3. Tentative Date of Computer Based On-line Examination To be notified later

Name Of Posts, No. of Post/Category, Age Limit and Essential Qualification:

1. Name Of Posts: Graduate Operational Trainee(Chemical)
No. of Post/Category: 04 UR-02, SC-01 & ST - 01
Age as on 30.4.2020: UR – 30 yrs SC/ST - 35 years
Essential Qualification: B.Sc.(Physics/Chemistry) – 03 years course with minimum 60% marks for UR candidates and 55% marks for SC/ST candidates. Candidates with knowledge of Computer will be preferred

2. Name Of Posts: Mining Mate-C
No. of Post/Category: 52 UR-26, OBC(NCL)-06 SC-06 & ST-14
Age as on 30.4.2020: UR - 35 yrs OBC(NCL) – 38 years SC/ST - 40 years
Essential Qualification: Intermediate with unrestricted Mining Mate Certificate of Competency issued by DGMS. Candidate must possess 05(Five) years experience at Mining Mate in Underground Mechanised Metal Mines. Candidates must be able to read/write and speak Hindi/Local language

3. Name Of Posts: Boiler-cum-Compressor Attendant-A
No. of Post/Category: 03 UR-01, OBC(NCL)- 01 ST-01
Age as on 30.4.2020: UR-30 years OBC(NCL) – 33 years ST – 35 years
Essential Qualification: Matric with Ist Class Boiler Attendant Certificate granted by Government Board of any State or Union Territory. 01 yr experience as in-charge with Ist Class Boiler Attendant Certificate of a single boiler with steam pipes of any type or capacity of two or more boilers in a battery or many separate individual boilers whose total minimum heating surface is 300 Should be conversant with operation of oil fired boilers

4. Name Of Posts: Winding Engine Driver-B
No. of Post/Category: 14 UR-07, OBC(NCL)– 02, SC-02 & ST-03
Age as on 30.4.2020: UR-32 yrs OBC(NCL) – 35 yrs SC/ST – 37 yrs
Essential Qualification: Matric or equivalent. The candidate must possess Ist Class Winding Engine Driver’s Certificate obtained from the Directorate General of Mines Safety. The candidate should have more than 03 years working experience as a Winding Engine Driver in Metal/Coal Mines out of which at least one year experience on a 100 HP Winder or more

5. Name Of Posts: Blaster-B
No. of Post/Category: 04 UR-02, SC-01 & ST-01
Age as on 30.4.2020: UR-32 yrs. SC/ST – 37 yrs
Essential Qualification: Matric with unrestricted Blaster’s Certificate of Competency issued by DGMS. Candidate must possess 03 years experience as Blaster in a Underground Metal Mines. Candidates should be well conversant in explosive Electrical blasting.

6. Name Of Posts: Apprentice (Mining Mate)
No. of Post/Category: 53 UR-26, OBC(NCL)- 06, SC- 06 & ST – 15
Age as on 30.4.2020: UR – 25 yrs OBC(NCL) – 28 yrs. SC/ST – 30 yrs.
Essential Qualification: Intermediate with minimum 60% marks for UR/OBC(NCL) candidates and 55% marks for SC/ST candidates

7. Name Of Posts: Apprentice (Laboratory Assistant)
No. of Post/Category: 06 UR-03 OBC(NCL)- 01, SC- 01 & ST – 01
Age as on 30.4.2020: UR – 25 yrs OBC(NCL) – 28 yrs. SC/ST – 30 yrs
Essential Qualification: Matric with minimum 60% marks for UR/OBC(NCL) candidates and 55% marks for SC/ST candidates

Name of the Post: Graduate Operational Trainee (Chemical)
Period of Training & Total monthly emoluments/stipend during training: 02(Two) years training. Consolidated monthly stipend : During Ist year of training – ₹.33994/- per month (BP-₹.29990/- + DA – ₹.4004/-). During 2nd year of training – ₹.30890/- plus DA as prevalent during 2nd year.
Post & Scale of Pay upon absorption in service subject to vacancy: Scientific Assistant-A/AFM(Chem.) in the scale of pay of ₹.29990-3%- 46720/- plus allowances as applicable for the post.

Name of the Post: Mining Mate-C
Scale of Pay/Total monthly emoluments: ₹.33087./- (B.P. – ₹.29190 + DA – ₹.3897) in the scale of Pay of ₹.29190 - 3% - 45480/-

Name of the Post: Boiler-cum-Compressor Attendant-A
Scale of Pay/Total monthly emoluments: ₹.32180/-( B.P – ₹.28390 + DA – ₹.3790/-) in the Scale of Pay of ₹.28390 - 3% - 44230/-

Name of the Post: Winding Engine Driver-B/Blaster-B
Scale of Pay/Total monthly emoluments: ₹.32633/- (B.P. – ₹.28790 + DA – ₹.3843) in the scale of Pay of ₹.28790 - 3% - 44850/-

Besides Basic Pay and Dearness Allowance, selected candidates will be entitled for Common Allowance @ 22% of Basic Pay, Underground Allowance as applicable for the post. Benefits such as Leave, Medical treatment, Gratuity etc will be admissible as per Company Rules in force.

SELECTION PROCESS Before applying, candidates should ensure that they fulfill the eligibility criteria as on the cut-off date (30- April-2020). Admission to Computer based On-line Examination will be purely provisional. Candidature will be subject to verification of details/documents, if shortlisted, at a later stage.

i. Exam Cities: The computer based online examination will be held in 16 Cities as mentioned in the On-line application form. Candidates may opt/choose 3 examination centres in order of their preferences. In case of large number of candidates in a particular city, the centre opted by the candidate as 1st preference, may not be allotted and candidate will be asked to appear at 2nd preference. The centre(s) opted will not be changed at a later stage after submission of Application Form. UCIL reserves the right to allocate any examination centre or change the centre opted by the candidate. 

ii. Computer Based On-line Examination: The On-line Exam will be held for duration of 02 Hours (in one sitting) consisting of General Knowledge/ Awareness, Reasoning, Numerical ability and General English and Professional Knowledge (Discipline related) with 120 objective type questions with multiple choice answers in each Paper. Each question will carry 1 mark and there is no penalty for wrong answer. No marks will be awarded for un-attempted questions. The question paper shall be set in bilingual language i.e. English and Hindi only. However, in case of any typographical error in Hindi, the English version of the question shall be considered as valid.

Component of the Online Computer Based Test for All Post:
i) General English-10 marks;
ii) General Knowledge/ Awarness-10 marks
iii) Reasoning-10 Marks
iv) Numerical Ability -10 marks
v) Professional Knowledge (Discipline related)-80 Marks

APPLICATION FEE Candidates belonging to General / OBC (Creamy Layer & Non Creamy Layer) categories are required to pay a Non-Refundable Application Fee of Rs 500/- (Rs.Five Hundred only). SC/ST/PWD/Female candidates are exempted from the payment of Application Fee. Application fee will be paid through On-line mode i.e. Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking. There will not be any other mode of payment of application fee. In case a candidate deposits the fee in any wrong account or through any other mode, UCIL will not be responsible for non-receipt of application fee. Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Candidates are therefore advised to verify their eligibility conditions before applying.
HOW TO APPLY i. The candidates shall apply online at ( recruitment link) as per the qualifications and eligibility criteria mentioned. ii. A candidate can apply for one discipline only. Application of candidates applying for more than one discipline will summarily be rejected. In case of multiple applications, the last application would be considered as final and all other applications made prior to the last-one, shall be treated as null and void. Note : Other things being equal, UCIL’s Rehabilitation and Resettlement Policy-2006 Clause No. 4.1 (ii) shall be applicable for reservation upto 30% of total vacancies for Land Displaced persons of UCIL ( Awardees ). Candidates must enclose relevant documents along with the application in support of the same.

Important Links
Download Notification Click Here
Official Website Click Here
Instructions, Registration and Login Click here 
Registration   Click Here
Login  Click Here
Note: Opening date for On-line Registration of Applications 18.05.2020 : 10.00 AM


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