May 25, 2020

18 Posts - Non-Teaching Staff Recruitment Online Form- Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology Last Date 30.06.2020

Energy Centre, Sivasgar, Assam
Advt. No.: RGIPT/Assam/NTS/01/2020
The Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas (Government of India) has set up The Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology (RGIPT) through an Act of Parliament (“Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology Act - 2007"). RGIPT has been accorded the eminence of being an “Institute of National Importance” along the lines of the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT). RGIPT is co-promoted as an energy domain specific institute by six leading Oil PSUs in association with the Oil Industry Development Board (OIDB). RGIPT's main academic campus with residential facilities is set up at Jais (Amethi, UP). Besides the main campus, RGIPT having the two other centers- Energy Centre, Sivasagar, Assam and Energy Institute, Bangalore. This advertisement is especially for the Energy Centre, Sivasagar, Assam.
The Energy Centre, Assam of the Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology has been established by the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Government of India, mainly catering to the spawning of skilled blue-collar workers in specific areas in the domain of the Hydrocarbon sector. The location at Sivasagar in the upper reaches of the Brahmaputra Valley for the Centre is considered appropriate because of the extensive oil field activities being carried out in the vicinity and its proximity to Gas Cracker Plant. The primary objectives of the Energy Centre, Assam of RGIPT are envisaged to offer programs of education and training of skilled technical manpower at the diploma and advance diploma level courses in various areas in the domain of the petroleum sector as per the requirements of the oil, gas and petrochemical industries.
ONLINE Applications are invited from the eligible candidates (Indian Nationals) for appointment to the following regular posts at Energy Centre, Sivasagar, Assam.
1. Post Name: Assistant Registrar,  No. of Vacant Post: 3
Pay Scale: L-10 (Rs. 56100-177500),     Age in Yrs : 45
2. Post Name: System Superintendent Grade III, No. of Vacant Post: 2,
Pay Scale : L-8 (Rs. 47600-151100), Age in Yrs : 40     
3. Post Name: Superintendent Grade I, No. of Vacant Post: 3,
Pay Scale : L-6 (Rs. 35400-112400), Age in Yrs :  35

4. Post Name: Technical Superintendent Grade I, No. of Vacant Post: 3,
Pay Scale : L-6 (Rs. 35400-112400), Age in Yrs :  35

5. Post Name: Superintendent Library Grade I, No. of Vacant Post: 1,
Pay Scale : L-6 (Rs. 35400-112400), Age in Yrs : 35

6. Post Name: Assistant Grade I, No. of Vacant Post: 1,
Pay Scale : L-3 Rs. 21700-69100), Age in Yrs :  35

7. Post Name: Technician Grade I, No. of Vacant Post: 2,
Pay Scale : L-3 (Rs. 21700-69100) Age in Yrs :  

Eligibility Criteria
Post No.1: Assistant Registrar
Essential Qualification and Experience:
  1. Master's Degree in any discipline with at least 55% marks or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever the grading system is followed.
  2. Experience- 5 years’ relevant experience at Pay Level-7/8 or equivalent in supervisory capacity in a Govt. office/ University/ technological institution or an organization of repute. Experience may include activities related to General Administration, Establishment, Academic, Finance & Accounts, Audit, Stores & Purchase, Procurement, RTI, Training & Placement, etc.
  3. Excellent knowledge of noting and drafting in English and Hindi
  4. Experience in handling computerized administration and financial matters
  5. Proficiency in use of computer applications i.e. MS Word, Excel, Power Point, etc. is a must
  6. Knowledge of English and Hindi typing on the computer
Degree of Management, Law or Finance
Job Responsibilities:
  1. Over all responsibility/ supervision and monitoring of the Section/ Unit concerned,
  2. Implementation and follow-up action on the policy matters of the Institute and
  3. As may be assigned by the authorities of the Institute from time to time.
Post No.2: System Superintendent Grade III
Essential Qualification and Experience:
  1. Masters’ degree in CSE/IT or MCA or M. Sc (IT) with minimum 55% marks from recognized university/institute with Three years relevant experience at Pay Level- 6 or Six years experience at Pay Level-5 or equivalent level in any Government Organization/ reputed educational Institute/ IT company
    Bachelor’s degree in CSE / IT engineering or equivalent degree in an appropriate field with minimum 55% marks from recognized university/institute with Five years relevant experience at Pay Level- 6 or Eight years experience at Pay Level-5 or equivalent level in any Government Organization/ reputed educational Institute/ IT company
    Diploma in CSE / IT or appropriate field with Eight years of relevant experience at Pay Level- 6 or Eleven years experience at Pay Level-5 or equivalent level in any Government Organization/ reputed educational Institute/ IT company
  2. Proficiency in Computer Application i.e. MS Word, Excel, PPT, etc.
  3. Good command over English language and workplace communication
Experience in Networking / System Maintenance /Computer Applications / Maintenance of IT Lab Equipment etc. Mastery over computer and network systems administration: Desktop and Server Unix/Linux system administration, installing OS, peripherals; Network configuration on desktops as well as routers, switches, servers; Installation and maintenance of various internet services such as proxy firewall, LDAP, Email, VPN. Familiarity with virtual systems/Wireless Networks/Network security.
Post No. 3: Superintendent Grade I
Essential Qualification and Experience:
  1. Masters’ degree in any discipline from a recognized university/institution with at least 55% marks with 3 years’ experience at Pay Level- 5 or equivalent position in Central/State Govt. / Autonomous bodies/ PSUs,
    Bachelors’ degree in any discipline from recognized university/ Institution with at least 55% marks with 5 years’ experience at Pay Level- 5 in Central/ State Govt./ Autonomous bodies/ PSUs
  2. Proficiency in the use of computer applications i.e. MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.
  3. Knowledge of typing in English and Hindi on computer is must
  4. Proficiency in noting and drafting in English and Hindi
  5. Conversant with Government Rules and Regulations applicable to the educational institute
Post No. 4: Technical Superintendent Grade I
Essential Qualifications and Experience:
  1. Master Degree in Engineering/ Science/ Computer Science or equivalent qualification in an appropriate field with a minimum of 55% marks in the qualifying degree from a recognized University/Institute with three years of relevant experience.
    Bachelor’s Degree (four years) in Engineering or equivalent qualification in an appropriate field with a minimum of 55% marks in the qualifying degree from a recognized University/ Institute with five years of relevant experience.
    Bachelor's Degree in Science or equivalent in an appropriate field with a minimum of 55% marks in the qualifying degree from a recognized University/ Institute with five years of relevant experience,
    Three years Diploma in Engineering/ Applied Science or equivalent in an appropriate field (after 10+2) with a minimum of 55% marks in qualifying degree from a recognized University/ Institute with five years relevant experience. and
  2. Proficiency in the use of a variety of computer office applications, MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint or equivalent is a must.
Experience in handling laboratory /workshop in an educational institute/ R & D laboratory/ research organization.
Post No. 5: Superintendent Library Grade I
Essential Qualification and Experience:
  1. Master’s Degree in Library Science / Information Science / documentation or equivalent from a recognized university / institution with at least 55% marks in qualifying degree with 3 years’ relevant experience at Pay Level- 5 or equivalent position in Central/ State Govt. / Autonomous bodies/ reputed educational institution/ PSUs,
    Bachelor’s Degree in Library Science / Information Science/documentation or equivalent from a recognized university/institution with at least 55% marks in qualifying degree with 5 years’ relevant experience at Pay Level- 5 in Central/ State Govt. / Autonomous bodies/ reputed educational institution/PSUs and
  2. Proficiency in Computer Application i.e. MS Word, Excel, PPT
  3. Knowledge of Hindi Typing on computer is must
Post No. 6: Assistant Grade I
Essential Qualification and Experience:
  1. Bachelor's Degree in any discipline with at least 55% marks from any recognized university/ institute and 1 year relevant of experience,
    Master's Degree in any discipline and
  2. Diploma in Computer Application
  3. Proficiency in use of variety of computer applications i.e. MS Word, Excel etc.
  4. Knowledge of English and Hindi typing on computer is must
Post No. 7: Technician Grade I
Essential Qualifications and Experience:
  1. Bachelor's Degree in Science/ Engineering or equivalent in appropriate field with a minimum of 55% marks in the qualifying degree from a recognized University/ Institute,
    Three years Diploma in Engineering / Applied Science or equivalent in appropriate field (after 10+2) with a minimum of 55% marks in the qualifying degree from a recognized University/ Institute with one year relevant experience.
    ITI certificate with 3 year experience
  2. Proficiency in the use of a variety of computer office applications such as MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint or equivalent is necessary. 

Important Information / Conditions / Instructions
  1. The Institute reserves the right to:
    (a) Withdraw advertised post under any category at any time without assigning any reason.
    (b) Reject any or all the applications without assigning any reasons thereof.
    (c) Not to fill any or all posts advertised.
    (d) Offer the post at a level, lower than that advertised, depending upon the qualifications, experience and performance of the candidate.
    (e) Offer higher pay to deserving / meritorious candidates.
    (f) Rectify any discrepancy in the grade pay, pay band etc., if found later on.
  2. The above posts are as per the Central Government pay scales and carry allowances like Dearness, House Rent and Transport as per Government of India rules.
  3. The posts are covered under the New Pension Scheme of Govt. of India and will be eligible for other benefits like Medical, LTC, Children Education etc. as per the Government / Institute norms.
  4. Candidates are advised to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess at least the minimum essential qualification/experience laid down for the post.
  5. The prescribed essential qualifications are the minimum and the mere possession of the same does not entitle candidates to be called for Written Test and/or Personal Interview. The Institute will constitute a Screening- cum-Short listing-Committee, which will screen all the applications received in response to an advertisement and if found not convenient or possible to interview all the candidates, the Institute, at its discretion, may restrict the number of candidates to a reasonable limit on the basis of qualifications and experience etc.
  6. Candidates with higher qualifications will be given preference.
  7. Qualifications/ Experiences / Age, etc. as on last date of submission of applications will only be taken into considerations.
  8. No interim enquiries / correspondence / communication of any sort will be entertained on the matter.
  9. Candidate should have obtained degrees from Government recognized institutions or those approved by competent government authorized bodies, such as AICTE, UGC etc. as applicable. These approvals must be in place when the degree was awarded as well as when the application is made for a job at the Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology.
  10. Outstation candidates called for interview will be reimbursed (to and fro) single sleeper -class rail fare/ ordinary bus fare by the shortest route to the place of the interview from the Railway station/Bus Stand nearest to the candidate's normal place of residence, as per rules.
  11. Reservation and relaxation for SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer) & Ex-servicemen candidate will be as per Government of India Guidelines. The maximum age limit prescribed for recruitment can be relaxed by 5 years in the case of SC/ST candidates and 3 years in case of OBC candidates. Age shall be reckoned as on the closing date of application, i.e., as on June 30, 2020
  12. Candidates seeking benefit of reservation and relaxation shall submit caste certificate in Prescribed Format issued by Competent Authority.
  13. Application Fee: The applicants shall be required to pay following application fee through the options of net banking and debit/ credit cards. In addition to the application fee, the banks will also charge transaction fee etc.
Application Fee
Pay Level 10
General and OBC
Rs. 500.00
Below Pay Level 10
General and OBC
Rs. 250.00
Candidates belonging to SC/ST, Female, need not to pay Application Fee.
Note: The fee once paid shall not be refunded or re-adjusted under any circumstances

  1. Selection Process:
    The candidate(s) shall be assessed by a duly constituted committee in the manner as mentioned hereunder:
For Pay Level 10 and 8
Sl. No.
Scheme of Evaluation
Written Test/ Computer Test
For Pay Level 6 & 3
Written Test
Computer/Trade/Skill Test
  1. Interested applicants may apply ONLINE in the prescribed application format available at Click on the link APPLY ONLINE. Please keep your personal details, qualification details, details of references, experience details, other relevant details, soft copy of the passport size photograph with you before starting the online application.
  2. Candidates serving in Government/ Autonomous Body/ Public Sector Undertakings will be required to produce ‘No Objection Certificate ‘at the time of their interview, failing which he/she shall not be interviewed and travel expenses will not be reimbursed.
  3. The applicant must bring all certificates / testimonials / documents in support of qualifications and experience as mentioned in the Application Form at the time of interview.
  4. The Institute shall verify the antecedents or documents submitted by the candidate at any time during tenure of service. In case, it is detected that the documents submitted by the candidates are fake or the candidate has a clandestine antecedents / background for which he / she has been convicted by any court and has suppressed the said information, then his/her services shall be terminated forthwith and appropriate action will be taken.
  5. Canvassing in any form shall lead to cancellation of candidature.
  6. If any declaration given or information furnished by a candidate found to be false or if they have willfully suppressed any material information, they will be liable to removal from service.
Last date of application submission is June 30, 2020

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