May 12, 2020

AIC, India Various District Manager Recruitment 2020- Apply Online Last Date 28.05.2020

Agriculture Insurance Company of India Limited, New Delhi is looking for candidates to work as District Manager (Business Development and /or Risk Management) in Select Districts of Select States on contractual basis  for a period of 1 year. However, it is further extendable for two terms of 1 year each as per requirement of the Company and subject to performance evaluation of the candidate. Interested and eligible candidates may submit the application though ONLINE mode.

About the Organisation: Agriculture Insurance Company of India Limited, New Delhi is a speciality Crop Insurance company implementing the Central and State Government sponsored Crop Insurance Schemes and also plans to diversify into other rural allied insurance business.

Name of Post: District Manager (Business Development or Risk Management) in Select Districts of Select States.
Company/Board: Agriculture Insurance Company of India Limited, New Delhi
Online Application Start date : 08.05.2020 (8 am)
Last date of Online Application: 28.05.2020 (8 pm)

Payment of fees:
Payment of Fees needs to be done through NET Banking/NEFT and candidate should be having the transaction ID ready before filling the online application.

Bank Account details for payment of fees:
  1. Name: Agriculture Insurance Company of India Limited
  2. Account Number : 920020029227087
  4. IFSC Code : UTIB0000007

Note as per the official notification:
  1. Candidate should ensure the payment of requisite fee through a single transaction only.
  2. The transaction charge, if applicable, is to be borne by the candidate.
  3. Fee once paid will NOT be refunded on any account for any reason whatsoever nor can it be held in reserve for any other selection in future.
  4. In case a candidate wants to apply for multiple States, a separate application has to be filled for each State along with separate requisite fees.

Note: The Total number of vacancies and the Job locations would be based on business requirement of the Company in various Districts of Select States and candidates should be willing to work in any district of the State for which they are applying for.

Eligibility Criteria: Graduation or Diploma in Agriculture/Horticulture/ Rural Studies/Agri-Business Management with 60% or more marks in aggregate from recognised University/Institutes. For candidates belonging to SC/ST minimum qualifying marks would be 55%.

For Detail Eligibilty criteria please go to the official notification.

Age Limit: Maximum Age limit is 35 years as on 01.05.2020.

Preferences: Preference shall be given to the candidates satisfying all the eligibility criteria and found suitable and belonging to the district for which the company requires candidate as District Manager. The job description for the District Manager with the role of Business Development and Risk Management is separately given hereunder and is not exhaustive but indicative only and the company reserves the right to alter the job description as per its requirement.

Selection Process:
  • Shortlisting
  • Group Discussion
  • Personal Interview

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