
Nov 30, 2018

escholarship.maharashtra.gov.in Online Application Form 2019 (ई शिष्यवृत्ती)

escholarship.maharashtra.gov.in Online Application Form 2019 for is available now! In terms of scholarship, the Maharashtra government is providing financial aid for education to the reserved category students. The main aim of the scholarship is to help the deserving students in perusing their education. The candidates belonging to the reserved category (SC/STOBC/ Disabled) are eligible to take the benefits of Maharashtra Government Scholarship Schemes.

There are many schemes for which scholarship will be provided; candidates can apply for the scheme after checking the eligibility conditions for the same.  Interested and eligible students can apply by filing an escholarship.maharashtra.gov.in Online Application Form 2019. You can check the details of all the schemes by going through this page which is well presented by the team of www.sarkarinaukricareer.in

Maharashtra Short Details for Scholarship 2019
Name of Organization Department of Social Justice and Special Assistance, Maharashtra
Name of Scholarship Escholarship 2019
Apply Mode Online
Official Website mahaeschol.maharashtra.gov.in

Scholarship For Backward Class Students:

Eligibility criteria-
·     Applicants must be SC and should be of citizen of Maharashtra must have valid Aadhar card.
·         The minimum marks in the last qualification of the candidate must be 55%.
·         It may be noted that students of class 5th to 10th are eligible for this Scholarship.

Reward of Scholarship-
·         For the students of 5th to 7th- Rs. 50 per month
·         For the students of 8th to 10th - Rs. 100 per month

Scholarship for the Disabled candidates:

Eligibility criteria-
·         Applicants must citizen of Maharashtra and must have valid Aadhar card.
·         Students have a disability of up to 40% and have a valid certificate.
·         For special education- The students should be in class 5th to 10th 
·         For vocational courses- Above 10th class
·         The family annual income of the student must be below than 4.5 lakh

Scholarship Reward-

The students will receive rebate in tuition fee and a financial support as per the government norms.

Maharashtra Government Post Matric Scholarship Scheme for 2018:

Eligibility criteria-

·         Candidates must pass their 10th class
·         Applicants must citizen of Maharashtra and must have valid Aadhar card.
·        For SC candidates- The annual income of the applicant family should be less than 2 Lakhs
·     For OBC/ SBC/ VJNT candidates-The annual income of the applicant family should be less than 1 Lakhs

Maharashtra Government Scholarship Scholarship Reward:
·         For SC students (Girls) - Rs. 380-1200 per month
·         For SC students (Boys) - Rs. 230-550 per month
·         For OBC students (Girls) - Rs. 280-1000 per month
·         For OBC students (boys) - Rs. 1500-350 per month
·         For SBC students (Day Scholars) - Rs. 90-190 per month
·         For SBC students (Scholars) - Rs. 425 per month
·         For VJNT students (Day Scholars) - Rs. 90-190 per month

·         For VJNT students (Hostlers) - Rs. 150-425 per month

Pre Upper Primary and Pre Secondary Scholarship Scheme of Maharashtra:

Eligibility criteria-
Candidates below 10th class are eligible to apply for this scheme
Students have to qualify competitive exam conducted by the Maharashtra state for 6th to 8th

Scholarship Reward-

As per the norms
Maharashtra Government Scholarship for OBC Students after 10th:

Eligibility criteria-
Students must pass his/her 10th standard
Students must belong to other backward class (OBC) category and have an caste certificate issued by government.
The annual income of the student family should be less than 1 Lakhs

Scholarship reward-
·         For hostellers- Rs. 90-190 per month
·         For day scholars- Rs. 150-425 per month

Procedure to fill escholarship.maharashtra.gov.in Online Application Form 2019:
Ø  Open the official portal escholarship.maharashtra.gov.in
Ø  Search for the scholarship scheme for which you want to apply.
Ø  Read the details carefully check the eligibility terms.
Ø  If you find yourself eligible then click on the new registration and register yourself.
Ø  The login and fill the application form in the prescribed format.
Ø  Upload the scanned copy of the required documents.
Ø  Verify the details and check that the filled application form should be error free.
Ø  Submit the form and take a print out of the same for the future reference.

Important Links
Official Website
