Jun 10, 2019

UPSEE AKTU Counselling 2019 | Online Registration | Schedule for Round 1, 2, 3

UPSEE AKTU Counselling

The officials of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU) has announced that the UPSEE AKTU Counselling 2019 procedure will be commenced in the month of in June-July after the final declaration of the results. Only those aspirants will be allowed to appear in the Counselling round who will successfully qualify the UPSEE entrance examination. The UPSEE Counselling will be conducted in three rounds. All three rounds will be held in online mode. In order to appear in the Counselling aspirants required to register online by going through the official website.

At the time of Online Registration aspirants require to mention their preferred college and course as per their suitability. As we discussed that the UPSEE AKTU Counselling 2019 will be conducted in 3 round and the result will be declared after each round. Eligible aspirants will be allotted seats as per the preference, rank secured and availability of seat. Those candidates who become satisfied with the allotment of seats have to proceed forward. And those who are not satisfied with their allotment can upgrade their allotted seat in next round. Scroll down the page and check the Online Registration process for UPSEE AKTU Counselling 2019.

Read: UPSEE Entrance Exam Syllabus

Short Details
Organization Name
Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU)
Page  Category
UPSEE AKTU Counselling 2019

Relevant Link:
Online Registration Fee For UPSEE AKTU Counselling 2019
  • General  & OBC candidates- Rs 20,000/-
  • SC & ST candidates- Rs 12,000/-

Counselling Consists Of Following Steps:
Step 1: First of all candidates required to register themselves through online registration. Online registrations contain filling form, uploading documents and pay the counseling fee
Step 2:  Document verification
Step 3: Candidates required enter preferred college and course as per their suitability
Step 4: Result of Counselling and allotment of seats
Step 5: Seat Confirmation or Online willingness by the candidates
Step 6: Reporting at the college (at the end of the third round by all candidates allotted seats)

Read: कोर्स और कॉलेज का चयन कैसे करें- जानिए Tips

UPSEE Counselling 2019 Spot Round:
If any seats vacant after the counselling of UPSEE 2019 then it will be filled through Spot Round. It may be noted that candidates require to register themselves separately for the Counselling round. In Spot Round aspirants will be allotted seats on the basis of rank secured in merit list. For Spot Round Candidates required paying demand draft of Rs. 70,000 in favor of Finance Officer, AKTU payable at Lucknow.

Important Dates For UPSEE 2019 Counselling:
Important Dates
Counselling Round I Registration
June, 2019
Document Verification for Round I
To be notified
Choice Locking for Round I
To be notified
Result of Seat Allocation for Round I
To be notified
Confirmation of Seat for Round I
To be notified
UPSEE 2019 Counselling – Round II
To be notified
UPSEE 2019 Counselling – Round III
To be notified
Spot Round of UPSEE 2019 Counselling
To be notified

Important Links
Official Website
