
Nov 2, 2016

Top IBPS Interview Tips: Question and Answer

IBPS Interview Questions

Here you will find the information, tips, and much more for the IBPS Interview. We cover here all the things which must need to crack the interview test. The technique which need during the interview like our body language, our dress sense, our attitude and behaviour etc.

This page is dedicated only for the IBPS interview processes all details regarding to the IBPS interview is mention on this page. to prepare for the IBPS interview can take guidance from here and hope you crack the interview test easily. The Time duration for the IBPS Interview approximately 15-20 minutes

For more other Government Interview you can go in the Interview tips section. For the more career related article which equally beneficial  for the Government and private job , article in the form of tips and advice available on our portal sarkarinaukricareer.in visit on this portal regularly. 
IBPS Interview 2017 Frequently Asked Questions

For preparing the interview of IBPS we are given here some expected question which can be ask by the interview board. So aspirants need to go through for these frequently asked questions, which will be helpful for the IBPS Interview 2017.

Ques1. Very first question they ask, Tell me about yourself or Introduce Yourself?

Ques2. They can also asked about your family? Purpose: To check your background.

Ques3. They can say, tell something about your? Purpose: To check your extra skills.

Ques4. Now they ask some Current affairs? Purpose: To check your interest and awareness that weather interested you  in new thing or not.

Ques5. They ask about some Logical case study? Purpose: To check your logical skill.

Now they ask about some Banking area question by which they test your practical knowledge in the banking area.
Ques6. First of all they can ask What do you know about the banking sector?

Ques7. Describe the difference between private and govt. banks?

Ques8. What do you know about fixed deposit?

Ques9. What is the difference between credit and debit card?

Ques10. What do you know about Net Banking and what are its uses?

Ques11. What do you know about CRR, tell also the full for of CRR?

Ques12. What do you know about exchange rate?

Ques13. What do you know about CBS, tell also the full for of CBS?

Ques14. Describe the difference between current account and savings?

Ques15. They can also ask why you join the Banking Sector?

At the end board members can ask why we should hire you so for this to know in detail read our Article 

Top Reasons To Hire An Employee : FAQ  Get Details
