Jul 11, 2016

UPPCL Online Bill Payment Registration www.uppclonline.com Procedure

UPPCL Online Bill Payment Registration

In Uttar Pradesh to see 168 cities with a population of 30 thousand
subscribers are online status by measuring their electric bill. Even outside of this project online consumers of power law may also pay. The revised accelerated power development and reform programme (RAPDRP) has been applied.

The government ensures that when you apply the rule, the sidewalk flying electricity efficiently. The program will be implemented in two phases. In the first phase, consumers are paying their bills available online and you can even check their status information.

Adapting to consumers via the Customer Service Centre a quick solution would power problems related to UP. In the second phase of the plan, and the new lines and transformers to increase the capacity of the transformer lines, are provided. To prevent theft Aerial Bunch Conductors (insulated wire), and the new models will be fitted with electronic meters.

The plan is to Varanasi is benefiting the cities of West Municipal Corporation of Meerut in 51 cities, 36 cities of South Agra, Lucknow 42 cities of Central and 26 cities. The plan will cost about five thousand crores. This information provided the period of the RAPDRP development agenda of the Secretary Javed Usmani chief examination in his office in Shastri Bhavan available. For effect distribution and management of power supply to state is restructured into:

·         Dakshinanchal Vidyut Vitaran Nigam Limited (DVVNL),
·         Madhyanchal Vidyut Vitaran Nigam Limited (MVVNL),
·         Pashchimanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited (PVVNL),
·         Purvanchal Vidyut Vitaran Nigam Limited (PUVVNL),
·         Kanpur Electricity Supply Company (KESCO),
·         Lucknow Electricity Supply Administration (LESA), and
·         Uttar Pradesh Power Transmission Limited (UPPTCL).

Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited online Services

·         Apply for new connection
·         New connection status
·         Load/ name/ category change request
·         Load/ name/ category change request status
·         Report power failure
·         Electricity theft information
·         New connection changes
·         Schedule of miscellaneous charges
·         Online bill payment
·         Duplicate bill
·         Complaint status
·         Registration of complaint
·         Know your bill
·         Know your meter

How to Pay Electricity Bill Online in Uttar Pradesh

Government of Uttar Pradesh has launched "one settlement program" for the payment of the duration of electricity bills arrears now decided to expand. Plan numbers was the electricity bill for consumers launched and now he's running for several days. 

According to Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Ltd due to rain floods and rural consumers do not want to harvest could not take advantage of this scheme. The duration of the program, it was decided to extend until they submit their contributions. Electricity consumers are the beneficiary or executive engineer sergeant Department of electricity to save thousands of bucks. Log in height will be adjustments in the bill. In a week from the date of registration will be issued on the revised bill to the consumer.

Click on official website of Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (UPPCL)
·         Resister yourself on this website
·         Enter all details which required for registration page
·         Enter your account number, bill number or SBM bill number addressed on your bill
·         Choose Pay Bill option and now click on it
·         Enter your account number of your electricity connection
·         Click on view option
·         On the next page you can see you all detail related to your bill like your personal details, bill amount
·         Now click on pay now tab
·         After that select mode of payment
·         Make a payment
·         At last, Take a printout for acknowledgement

SMS Services | Useful Information:

·         Information related your Bill Amount: type BILL > space < account ID and send to 5616195

·         Complaint for electricity theft: type PVVNL / PuVVNL / MVVNL / DVVNL Powertheft and send to 5616195

·         Not getting Proper Supply: send a SMS as type PVVNL/ PuVVNL/ MVVNL/ DVVNL Nosupply and send to the number 5616195.

Note: To get more information you may check the official website.

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