
Feb 21, 2019

What is Normalized Mark in Competitive Exam (SSC, Railway)

What is Normalized Mark in Competitive Exam

Now a day’s large numbers of candidates appear in competitive examination due to which authority conducts an examination in various shifts.  The exam papers of all the shifts are different from one another. So it is complex to set the same difficulty level of every shift due to which marks gain by candidates in different shifts vary. Many of the candidates raise an objection regarding this issue. So to overcome this problem authority starts conducted Normalized Mark method. Now the question arises what is Normalized Mark in Competitive Exam?

Normalization is the method which is performed to calculate the performance of the aspirants on the basis of the same examination factor the aims to adjust the complexity level across all the shifts of the examination. Recently Staff Selection Commission has released the notification for Normalization in all the SSC Exams 2018-19. The commission has stated the formula which is used calculate final score of candidates for different shifts examination. You can check the official notification by hitting on below link.

Normalization Formula for upcoming SSC Exams- Click here to check notification
What is Normalized Mark in Competitive Exam?
Normalization is a method to adjust values measured on different scales to a notionally common scale.
Normalization performs to calculate the performance of the aspirants on the basis of the same examination factor the aims to adjust the complexity level across all the shifts of the examination.

Previous year Staff Selection of Commission conducts Tier I examination in more than 40 shifts. Examination papers for all shifts are different. Many of the candidates show tier anger that the questions asked in some shifts are easy while questions asked in other shifts are hard. So it was unfair to evaluate their result as it was not their fault to lie in that particular shift.

Result Example:
For example, at the of result students of one shift get 100 marks out of out of 200 while the students of second shit get 125 out of 200 marks and the reason of such difference is the difficulty level of first shift is more than the second shift which results students of first shift gets low marks.

Normalization process uses a formula for evaluating the score. However, it depends upon the commission that which formulae it uses. There are various formulas which can be used for the process. 

As we evaluate the situation in the above examples so to overcome the above said proper SSC is now following the process of normalization. So for this Staff Selection Commission has recently released the notification in which it clears that the questions sets for all the shifts will be normalized process.

Read: लोको पायलट कैसे बने

Read: SSC Online Registration 


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