Jul 25, 2017

National Overseas Scholarship Scheme 2017 - 18 Official Details socialjustice.nic.in

National Overseas Scholarship Scheme

Check complete details about National Overseas Scholarship Scheme 2017 – 18 such as Scholarship Details, eligibility norms, Specified Fields of Study, process to fill National Overseas Scholarship Scheme 2017 – 18 forms and other Official Details from below framed section. Interested contenders may apply by filling National Overseas Scholarship Scheme form. 

Society will provide the scholarship to 100 SC contenders. Eligible candidates can take the advantage of National Overseas Scholarship 2017 and may apply by filling an application form on or before the end date i.e. 31-03-2018

Department of Social Justice and Empowerment is providing National Overseas Scholarship to eligible contenders. Authorities has released (100) Passage Grant Scheme according to which those candidates who possess a Master or equivalent degree and are in receipt of merit scholarship for Post Graduate studies, Research or Training abroad (excluding attending seminars, workshops, conferences from a foreign Government/organization or under any other scheme where the cost of passage is not provided) are eligible to gain the scholarship amount.

National Overseas Scholarship Scheme attempts at enhancing the employment avenues for ST candidates. 100% Central Assistance is provided directly to the candidates for their betterment of future. Financial assistance is provided till completion of the course or research as this is the first help to fulfill the dreams of candidates who are not able to complete their study due to financial problem. Official Site of Ministry Of Social Justice And Empowerment is socialjustice.nic.in.

National Overseas Scholarship Scheme 2017 – 18 short details:

Organization Name
Ministry Of Social Justice And Empowerment

Last Date To Send Application Form
31st March 2018
Official Site

Mode to apply

National Overseas Scholarship Details:

No. Of Scholarships

No. Of Passage Grants
Scheduled Castes

Denotified, nomadic and semi-Nomadic tribes

Landless Agricultural Labourers and Traditional Artisans

Specified Fields Of Study:

Scholarship will be provided to some specified field of study that are:

Field Of Study
No. Of Seats

Engineering and Management

Pure Sciences and Applied Sciences

Agricultural Sciences and Medicine

International Commerce, Accounting Finance

Humanities, Social Science & Fine Arts


Minimum Qualification:

For Ph. D degree   
55% marks or equivalent grade in relevant master degree

For master’s degree
55% marks or equivalent grade in relevant bachelor’s degree.

Eligibility Criteria:
·         Scholarship will be provided to only those whose age will be below 35 years of age as on 1st April 2017.
·         Contender’s family income from all sources shall not exceed Rs. 6 lakhs per annum.
·         There should be not more than two children of the same Parents/ Guardians

·         Self certification will be required from the candidates.

Documents Required:

·         Self Attested copies of the following documents should be enclosed with the applications:
·         Matriculation or other Certificate as proof for date of birth;
·         ST Certificate from Competent Authority;
·         All Degrees/Diplomas/Certificate with mark sheets; and
·         Income Certificate in the prescribed format.
·         In case of Passage Grant, Additional information with a statement indicating:
·         Details of merit scholarship and the manner in which it has been obtained

·         Self attested copy of the letter of the award.

How to apply for National Overseas Scholarship Scheme 2017 – 18:
·         Contenders may apply through the official website of organization that is www.socialjustice.nic.in
·         On the home page hit on to “Department for social justice and empowerment”  under the heading of ‘what’s New’ press “view all” for further process.
·         Press “Advertisement for National Overseas Scholarship for Selection Year 2016-17” link.
·         PDF will appear
·         Read all the given details carefully for filling application form.
·         Download the application form
·         Fill with all important details and attach documents related that are mentioned below on this page.
·         Enclosed the application form in an envelope and superscribe it as “The application form for scholarship”.
·         Send the completely filled application form to the below mention address through post.

Postal Address:

T.V.A.Ram, Director, SCD-V Section

Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment

Department of Social Justice and Empowerment

Room No.211 – ‘D’ Wing, Shastri Bhavan,

Dr. Rajendra Prasad Marg, New Delhi – 110 001

Important Date:

Last date to send application form 
 31st March of the financial year (2017-18) i.e. 31-03-2018

National Overseas Scholarship Scheme 2017 – 18 Official Link


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