
Jun 20, 2019

JEECUP (UP Polytechnic) Result 2019 To Be Released On Today at jeecup.nic.in (Sarkari Result)

JEECUP (UP Polytechnic) Result

The Joint Entrance Examination Council, Uttar Pradesh has announced that the JEECUP (UP Polytechnic) Result 2019 will going to be released at jeecup.nic.in in the second week of June 2019. Those students who had appeared on the JEECUP/ UP Polytechnic examination conducted on 26 May 2019 will able to download their result soon on the prescribed format.

NEW UPDATE 18 जून : ऑफिशियल वेबसाइट के अनुसार संयुक्त प्रवेश परीक्षा के परिणाम 20 जून, 2019 को दोपहर 3:30 बजें घोषित किये जाएंगे। 

It must be noted that the JEECUP (UP Polytechnic) Result 2019 will be relapsed via online mode only. Council will not release the result on any other mode. After the declaration of the result admission authorities will issue the scheduled of the counseling for the qualified students. During the counseling, seats will be filled on the basis of category-wise state open rank. To check further details through this page of www.sarkarinaukricareer.in

Details Of JEECUP Result  
Organization Name
The Joint Entrance Examination Council, Uttar Pradesh
Exam Name
UP Polytechnic
Page Category
Status Of Result 
Available (20 June)

Procedure To Download UP Polytechnic Result 2019:
Step 1: Open the official website jeecup.nic.in
Step 2: Now take your cursor towards the “News & Events” section.
Step 3: Thereafter you are required to press the appropriate link for the JEECUP (UP Polytechnic) Result 2019.
Step 4: Another page will be opened from where you are required to enter “Registration/roll number”, date of birth and other details if required.
Step 5: Submit the required details.
Step 6: Your result will appear at your screen, check your result.
Step 7: Don’t forget to print a copy of the result for further process.

Read: मेडिकल-इंजीनियरिंग के अलावा कोर्स जो दे सकते है रोज़गार - जानिये

Important Links
JEECUP (UP Polytechnic) Result 2019
Link Available On 20 June (3.30 P.M)
Official Website
