
Aug 29, 2018

UPTET Exam Syllabus 2018 What is Question Pattern For Paper 1 & 2

UPTET Exam Syllabus
Get updated UPTET Exam Syllabus 2018 from this page! Uttar Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test, commonly known for UPTET exam is going to be held in the 3rd Week of November (Tentative). This exam is conducted by the Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Board (UPBEB); the aim to conducts this exam is to hire deserving candidates at the post of Primary school teachers and Upper Primary Level teachers in the state of Uttar Pradesh. Every year lakhs of aspirants appeared in this examination.

From last few days, many candidates have asking the question like what is Question Pattern For Paper 1 & 2? What will be UPTET Exam Syllabus? So for the convenience of the candidates we are here with latest exam pattern and syllabus For Paper 1 & 2. Candidates who are seeking for the same can check it now from this page; this page is well presented by the team of www.sarkarinaukricareer.in 

Read: UPTET 2018 Online Registration

UPTET Exam Syllabus details
Organization Name
Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Board (UPBEB)
Exam Name
Uttar Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test(UPTET)
Page Type
UPTET Syllabus
Exam date
Notified soon
Status of Syllabus

Read: Free UP TET Coaching

Exam/Question Pattern For Paper 1
Time Duration- 2 and half hour (150 Minutes)
S. no.
of Questions
Child Development, Learning & Pedagogy
1st Language (Hindi)
2nd Language (Any one from English, Urdu & Sanskrit)
Environmental Studies

UPTET Exam Syllabus 2018 (Paper 1)
Child Development and Pedagogy:
Child Development: Concept of growth and development, Principles and dimensions of development. Factors affection development (especially in the context of family and school) and its relationship with learning. Role of Heredity and environment.
Meaning and Concept of learning and its processes. Factors Affection learning. Theories of learning and its implication. How Children learn and think. Motivation and Implications for Learning.
Individual Differences: Meaning, types and factors Affection Individual differences Understanding individual differences on the basis of language, gender, community, caste & religion. Personality: Concept and types of personality, Factors responsible for shaping it. Its measurement. Intelligence: Concept, Theories and its measurement, Multidimensional Intelligence.
Understanding diverse learners: Backward, Mentally retarded, gifted, creative, disadvantaged and deprived, specially-abled. Learning Difficulties. Adjustment: Concept and ways of adjustment. Role of teacher in the adjustment.
Teaching learning process, Teaching learning strategies and methods in the context of National Curriculum Framework 2005. Meaning and purposes of Assessment, Measurement and Evaluation. Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation. Constriction of Achievement Test. Action Research. Right to Education Act 2009 (Role and Responsibilities of Teachers)

Language I
Unseen Prose Passage. Linking Devices, Subject-Verb Concord, Inferences
Unseen Poem. Identification of Alliteration, Simile, Metaphor, Personification, Assonance, Rhyme.
Modal Auxiliaries, Phrasal Verbs and Idioms, Literary Terms: Elegy, Sonnet, Short Story, Drama.
Basic knowledge of English Sounds and their Phonetic Transcription.
Principles of Teaching English, Communicative Approach to English Language Teaching, Challenges of Teaching English: Language Difficulties, Errors and Disorders.
Methods of Evaluation, Remedial Teaching.

Language II:
Comprehension (15 Questions)
Pedagogy of Language Development (15 Questions)
Whole number up to one crore, Place Value, Comparison, Fundamental mathematical operations: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division; Indian Currency.
Concept of fraction, proper fractions, comparison of paper fraction of same denominator, mixed fraction, comparison of proper fractions of unequal denominators, Addition and Substation of fractions. Prime and composite number, Prime factors, Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) and Highest Common Factor (HCF).
University Law, Average, Profit-Loss, Simple interest.
Place and curved surfaces, plane and solid geometrical figures, prosperities of plane geometrical figures; pint, line, ray, line segment; Angle and their types. Length, Weight, Capacity, Time, measurement f area and their standard units and relation between them; Area and perimeter of plane surfaces of square and rectangular objects.
Nature of Mathematics/Logical thinking. Place of Mathematics in Curriculum. Language Mathematics. Community Mathematics.
Evaluation through formal and informal methods. Problems of Teaching. Error analysis and related aspects of learning and teaching. Diagnostic and Remedial Teaching.

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Environmental Studies:
Family Personal relationships, nuclear and joint families, social abuses (child marriage, dowry system, child labor, theft); addiction (intoxication, smoking) and its personal, social and economic bad effects.
Clothes and Habitats – Clothes for different seasons; maintenance of clothes at home; handloom and power loom; habitats of living beings, various types of houses; cleanliness of houses and neighboring areas; Different types of materials for building houses.
Profession – Profession of your surroundings (stitching clothes, gardening, farming, animal rearing, vegetable vendor etc.), small and cottage industries; major industries of Rajasthan State, Need for consumer protection, co-operative societies.
Public places and Institutions – Public places like school, hospital, post office, bus stand, railway station; Public property (street light, road, bus, train, public buildings etc.); wastage of electricity and water; employment policies; general information about Panchayat, legislative assembly and parliament.
Our Culture and Civilization – Fairs and festivals, National festivals; Dresses, food-habits and art and craft of Rajasthan; Tourist places of Rajasthan; Great personalities of Rajasthan.
Transport and Communication – Means of transport and communication; Rules for pedestrians and transport; Effects of means of communication on the life style.
Personal Hygiene – External parts of our body and their cleanliness; general information about the internal parts of the body; Balance diet and its importance; Common diseases (gastroenteritis, amoebiosis, methaemoglobin, anemia, fluorosis, malaria, dengue.) their causes and methods of prevention; Pulse Polio campaign.
Living Beings: Levels of organisation of plants and animals, diversity of living organisms, state flower, state tree, state bird, state animal; knowledge of reserve forest and wild life (national parks, sanctuaries, tiger reserve, world heritage), conservation of species of plants and animals, knowledge of Kharif and Rabi crops.
Matter and Energy – Common properties of substances (colour, state, ductility, solubility) various types of fuels; types of energy and transformation of one form into another; Applications of energy in daily life, sources of light, common properties of light. > Basic knowledge of air, water, forest, wetlands and deserts; different kind of pollution, renewable and non-renewable resources of energy in Rajasthan and concept of their conservation; weather and climate; water cycle.
Concept and scope of Environment Studies. Significance of Environment Studies, Integrated Environment Studies. Environmental Studies & Environmental Education learning Principles. Scope & relation to Science & Social Science. Approaches of presenting concepts Activities
Experimentation/Practical Work Discussion. Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation. Teaching material/Aids. Problems of Teaching

Exam/Question Pattern For Paper 2
Time Duration- 2 and half hour (150 Minutes)
UPTET Paper 2
 of Questions
Child Development, Learning & Pedagogy
1st Language (Hindi)
2nd Language (Any one from English, Urdu & Sanskrit)
A. Mathematics/ Science B. Social Studies/ Social Science
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UPTET Exam Syllabus 2018(Paper 2)
Child Development and Pedagogy :
Child Development (Elementary School Child) (15 Questions)
Concept of development and its relationship with learning
Principles of the development of children
Influence of Heredity & Environment
Socialization processes: Social world & children (Teacher, Parents and Peers)
Piaget, Kohlberg and Vygotsky: constructs and critical perspectives
Concepts of child-centered and progressive education
Critical perspective of the construct of Intelligence
Multi-Dimensional Intelligence
Language & Thought
Gender as a social construct; gender roles, gender- bias and educational practice
Individual differences among learners, understanding differences based on diversity of
Language, caste, gender, community, religion etc.
Distinction between Assessment for learning and assessment of learning; School
Based Assessment, Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation: perspective and practice
Formulating appropriate questions for assessing readiness levels of learners; for enhancing learning and critical thinking in the classroom and for assessing learner Achievement.
Concept of Inclusive education and understanding children with special needs (5 Questions)
Addressing learners from diverse backgrounds including disadvantaged and deprived
Addressing the needs of children with learning difficulties, ‘impairment’ etc
Addressing the Talented, Creative, Specially abled Learners
Learning and Pedagogy (10 Questions)
How children think and learn; how and why children ‘fail’ to achieve success in school performance
Basic processes of teaching and learning; children’s strategies of learning; learning as a social activity; social context of learning.
Child as a problem solver and a ‘scientific investigator’
Alternative conception of learning in children; understanding children’s ‘errors’ as significant steps in the learning process.
Cognition & Emotions
Motivation and learning.
Factors contributing to learning personal & environmental

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Language I:
Language Comprehension (15 Questions)
Reading unseen passages- two passages one prose or drama and one poem with
Questions on comprehension, inference, grammar and verbal ability (Prose passage may
Be literary, scientific, narrative or discursive)
Pedagogy of Language Development (15 Questions)
Learning and acquisition
Principles of language Teaching
Role of listening and speaking; function of language and how children use it as a tool
Critical perspective on the role of grammar in learning a language for communicating ideas verbally and in written form;
Challenges of teaching language in a diverse classroom; language difficulties, errors and disorders
Language Skills
Evaluating language comprehension and proficiency: speaking, listening, reading and writing
Teaching-learning materials: Textbook, multi-media materials, multilingual resource of the classroom
Remedial Teaching

Language II:
Comprehension (15 Questions)
Two unseen prose passages (discursive or literary or narrative or scientific) with questions on comprehension, grammar and verbal ability
Pedagogy of Language Development (15 Questions)
Learning and acquisition
Principles of language Teaching
Role of listening and speaking; function of language and how children use it as a tool
Critical perspective on the role of grammar in learning a language for communicating ideas verbally and in written form;
Challenges of teaching language in a diverse classroom; language difficulties, errors and disorders
Language Skills
Evaluating language comprehension and proficiency: speaking, listening, reading and writing
Teaching-learning materials: Textbook, multi-media materials, multilingual resource of the classroom
Remedial Teaching

Mathematics and Science:
Mathematics Syllabus
Science Syllabus
Pedagogical issues
Pedagogical issues
Number System
The World of the Living
Natural Resources
Data Handling
How Things Work
Natural Phenomena

Read: Basic Computer Knowledge

Social Studies/Social Sciences:
When, Where and How, The Earliest Societies, The First Farmers and Herders, The First Cities, Early States, New Ideas, The First Empire,  Contacts with Distant lands, Political Developments, Culture and Science, New Kings and Kingdoms, Sultans of Delhi, Architecture, Creation of an Empire, Social Change, Regional Cultures, The Establishment o f Company Power, Rural Life and Society, Colonialism and Tribal Societies, The Revolt of 1857 – 58, Women and reform, Challenging the Caste System, The Nationalist Movement, India After Independence.
Geography as a social study and as a science, Planet: Earth in the solar system, Globe, Environment in its totality: natural and human environment. Air, Water, Human Environment: settlement, transport and communication, Resources: Types- Natural and Human, Agriculture.
Social and Political Science
Diversity, Government, Local Government, Making a Living, Democracy, State Government, Understanding Media, Unpacking Gender, The Constitution, Parliamentary Government, Social Justice and the Marginalized.
Pedagogical issues
Concept & Nature of Social Science/Social Studies, Class Room Processes, activities and discourse, Developing Critical thinking, Enquiry/Empirical Evidence, Problems of teaching Social Science/Social Studies, Sources – Primary & secondary, Projects Work.


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