Jun 7, 2019

Rojgar Express 2019 By Month (रोजगार एक्सप्रेस पत्रिका )

Rojgar Express

As you all know that we the team of www.sarkarinaukricareer.in is continuously proving you all the latest notification of recruitments. We daily find the fresh recruitment notification for the jobs seekers so that you can grab the best opportunity and secure your career by getting a job in reputed organization/company. Here through Rojgar Express 2019, we are providing you the details of all the active recruitments. You will able to check the details of all the active recruitment from this single page.

Rojgar Express 2019 helps you to find your dream jobs. This is truly devoted to you easiness in order to make more familiar you with various kinds of jobs. The Rojgar Express 2019 contains all type of notification regarding job in Central Government and State Government. You can also find the job for you from here according to your eligibilities and suitability.

Read: ऐसे करे SSC CGL परीक्षा के लिए तैयारी

Daily Government Jobs Alert (Last Date)
TANGEDCO (5000 Gangman) – 30 May 2019   
ICMR (115 MTS, DEO) – 31 May 2019   
KHC (Group D) – 3 June 2019  
WBPSC (318 IDO) – 3 June 2019  
WCD (817 Anganwadi Worker) – 3 June 2019  
CDC (Office Asst, Watchman) – 4 June 2019  
NGRI (Project Staff) – 6 June 2019  
NIT (125 Ad-hoc Faculty) – 6 June 2019  
NFL (JE, AG II, Store Asst) – 9 June 2019  
IOF (1704 Chargeman) – 9 June 2019  
LIC (8581 ADO) – 9 June 2019  
NMDC (255 Executive Trainee) – 11 June 2019
SAIL (142 Management Trainees) – 14 June 2019
CDC (Junior Clerk) – 15 June 2019 
RFCL (121 Non-Executive) – 16 June 2019 
MHC (180 Residential Assistant) – 23 June 2019
IOCL (Apprentices) – 24 June 2019 
BPRD (218 Dy Supdt) – 24 June 2019 
ICF (992 Apprentice) – 24 June 2019  
BIS (115 Laboratory Officer) – 24 June 2019 
EPFO (280 Assistant) – 25 June 2019 

            Daily Railway Jobs Alert
Delhi Metro (Consultant) - 31 May 2019  
Southern Railway (142 JE/TMO) - 6 June 2019  
ICF (992 Apprentice) 24 June 2019 
NR (749 Station Master) - 26 June 2019 
RRB NTPC (130000 Level-1) – Update Soon

              Daily Defence Jobs Alert
Indian Navy (172 Chargeman) – 26 May 2019 
NAVY (121 Pilot Observer) – 29 May 2019 
UPSC (398 CAPF AC) – 30 May 2019 
Tripura (1488 Riflemen) – 8 June 2019  
BSF (1072 Head Constable) – 12 June 2019   
ITBP (617 Constable) – 21 June 2019   
ICG (Assistant Commandant) – 4 July 2019    
SSB (290 Constable) – 7 July 2019    
BSF (204 Inspector, SI) – 13 July 2019    

(रोजगार एक्सप्रेस पत्रिका )
This page contains the details of all the active recruitments in India, the recruitment notification of central and state includes the jobs of defense, railway, education, financial institutions, government sectors, university and school, SSC, UPSC, agriculture and many others are available under this single page.

Read: (IAS) आईएएस की तैयारी कैसे करे

Read: PCS परीक्षा कैसे qualify करे

There are thousands of jobs available for this month, Job seekers are suggested to go through the below-provided details and find out the fresh employment news notifications as per your suitability and qualification. The recruitment notifications for both fresher’s as well are experienced candidates are available below. You are suggested to check all the latest jobs by going though Rojgar Express 2019.

We really hope that the provided information will be beneficial for you. Those who want to get all the latest updates are advised to be with our web portal www.sarkarinaukaricareer.in. In order to get daily updates directly on your mail ID, subscribe our free mail services by submitting your mail ID with us.

Read: कैसे पाये मनपसंद सरकारी नौकरी - जानिये

Read:  सरकारी नौकरीया हिंदी में भी पढ़ी जा सकती है 


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